Origins of the gestation of FELASCC: historical review of the Permanent Advisory Council (PCA).
The antecedents that led to the creation of the Latin American Federation of Cosmetic Sciences Societies dates back to 2000, the year of its foundation.
More than 4 decades ago the delegates of the Latin American societies that attend Santiago de Chile (1972) where the 2nd Cosmetics and Perfumery Conference organized by the SCHQC take place, exchange ideas and share their achievements and projects. Being aware of their difficulties and common objectives, expressed in the same language, of the fraternity between the countries envisioning the bright future of the cosmetic industry in the continent.
Since 1973, Latin American congresses have been held every 2 years to avoid overlapping with the IFSCC congresses. And it is in each congress that ideas are discussed, projects are always renewed in a spirit of cooperation and information exchange. Communication between societies has grown steadily over the years.
In 1987, the Ecuadorian Association of Cosmetic Chemists organized the eighth COLAMIC in the city of Guayaquil, within which it would deliberate on the need to create a permanent advisory council among the cosmetic chemist societies of Latin America. In their recitals they declared: "Given the favorable evolution of the development of the Latin American and Iberian Congresses that have been held biannually since 1973 and in order to maintain their constant improvement, and taking into account that still, in many Latin American countries there is no There is an association that groups together cosmetic professionals that proposes:
Create a permanent advisory council of the cosmetic chemistry associations of Latin America
Having as objectives:
a) Promote and guide the creation of Cosmetic Chemical Associations in those Latin American countries that do not yet have one.
b) Advise and guide on the development of educational systems aimed at the training of useful human resources at different levels of scientific and technological cosmetics.
c) Advise on the mechanisms tending to achieve a greater impulse of scientific and applied research of cosmetics within the member countries.
d) Advise on the organization and development of congresses, conferences and scientific meetings, etc. to be done in the future.
e) Respond to any request for advice, guidance or guidance emanating from a member entity "
Next, the number and quality of its members and their designation were established, as well as the duration of their positions and the financing of the actions of the CPA.
The first board of directors is then constituted
President: by AEQC Dra. Isabel de Luque
1st Vice President: for the AAQC Dr. Jaime Rubín
2nd Vice President: for the APQC Mr. Paul Duclos
Secretary: by AEQC Dr. Julio Ycaza Real
Assistant Secretary: by the SCHQC Dr José Joaquín Pérez Villalba
Treasurer: by AEQC Dra. Susana Valdiviezo V.
As a first task, CPA is dedicated to the drafting of a first Regulation for future Latin American and Iberian Congresses of Cosmetic Chemistry that would later be perfected over the years. The periodicity of the meetings of the CPA is, until 1993, every two years, that is, on the occasion of each Latin American congress. And from that year on, due to the growing need for greater communication and the continuous search for greater efficiency in the preparation of the COLAMICs, they would take place every year.
This CPA, which will operate until the year 2000, undoubtedly constitutes the preamble to the creation of the FELASCC. The activity of the CPA is of increasing interest to Latin American Societies that see in it the engine of regional development of their institutions.
Faced with the unexpected disappearance of Dr. José Joaquín Perez Villalba, the first Latin American Coordinator of the IFSCC, appreciated by all the Latin American societies with which he cultivated fraternal ties, the AAQC proposes to the board of directors of the CPA and as a posthumous tribute, the creation of an award with your name, setting its scope and financing. This award, which would be awarded to the best scientific work on natural raw materials of regional origin and of cosmetic interest presented in a COLAMIQC, was voted and approved unanimously. This prize of 2000 US dollars would be financed by the contribution of the member societies depending on the number of partners, being awarded to authors not older than 40 years of age.
It was resolved that from now on the scientific works of each country must be sent by each society, which will make a preselection regarding their unpublished character requiring the commitment of the authors to attend the Congress. All this without detriment to the work of the Awards Committee of each Congress. Likewise, Societies are authorized to publish the papers presented at congresses a posteriori. At that meeting, the president of the AUQC Dr. Uberfil Delbene proposes the creation of a technical training center for young professionals in Latin America, suggesting an annual exchange between specialists with theoretical and practical courses coordinated by the CPA.
This is how the meetings in Sao Paulo take place in August 1994 where they discuss the registration of cosmetic products in the different member countries and their harmonization and the idea formulated at the Montevideo meeting the previous year. The AAQC then chaired by Dr. Lucio Laserna presents a training project favoring the exchange of professional specialists whose function would be to train young people through the delivery of theoretical-practical courses managed by the CPA.
In 1995 the CPA meeting takes place again in Brazil on August 30 during the XII COLAMIQC held in Sao Paulo. It is attended by the presidents of the Latin American and Spanish Societies, and by invitation, the President, the Secretary of Public Relations and the Latin American Coordinator of the IFSCC. During it, the modification of the COLAMIQC regulations is proposed. Establishing a contribution of US $ 200 for each society to finance the Perez Villalba award. Likewise, the clause that limited the age of the contestants is eliminated. On the other hand, it is established that each Society will endorse the work or works that compete for that award. The host Society will bear the accommodation costs. Reiterating that the works that qualify for this award will be those developed on the use of natural native materials and that provide a benefit to cosmetic formulations.
As regards the CPA, emphasis is placed on objectives beyond the strictly organizational, such as the development of educational systems aimed at the training of human resources and the discussion and exchange of ideas, such as the establishment of common standards for the registration of cosmetic products in Latin America.
It is considered necessary to give greater diffusion to the exchange of teachers so that this educational project is maturing in all Societies / Associations.
In May 1996 the CPA meets in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where it is mandatory to attend the meetings preserving the spirit for which it was created. The AAQC presents a project to regulate the selection of Societies to host future congresses, after a detailed analysis and lively discussion, it is unanimously approved.
The ABC, regarding its recent success in the organization of COLAMIQC sends the regulation of criteria for the evaluation of scientific works in order to facilitate the performance of the jury.
Likewise, Societies are invited to send as soon as possible a list of professors for the dictation of specialization courses willing to travel within the educational project for the training of young cosmetic professionals in Latin America.
On the other hand, the succession of the Latin American Coordinator in the IFSCC is discussed. The current Latin American coordinator for the IFSCC since 1991, IQ Miguel Angel Marin, invited to the CPA meeting, informs that he has asked Latin American societies to send their support to the proposed candidates to succeed him as of September of next year. The Societies of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Paraguay support the candidacy of Dr Lucio Laserna and those of Mexico and Venezuela support the candidacy of the IQ Maria Teresa Alvarez of the SQCM.
Next, Dr. Lucio Laserna from the AAQC is appointed as the next Latin American Coordinator before the IFSCC, who will assume his position during the XIII ° COLAMIQC / IFSCC IN BETWEEN CONFERENCE to be held in Acapulco Mexico in September 1977. Dr. Uberfil Delbene from the AUCC Regarding the CPA, he expressed to Dr. Lucio Laserna of the AAQC in a letter of October 1996, “As you know, I attach great importance to the Permanent Advisory Committee, since it is a bit of the Inter-American Organization where we can exchange ideas and come to set fundamental objectives for ourselves. progress: of Cosmetic Science in our countries and of young scholars "
During the meeting of the CPA in Acapulco on September 21, 1977, the ABC reported on what took place in the COLAMIQC held in Sao Paulo, pointing out its importance not only regionally but also internationally. Emphasizing that the assistance of CTFA authorities from the USA and COLIPA from the EU together to the speakers sent by the IFSCC promote the integration of the different communities of nations.
The selection regulations for COLAMICQ's host companies are ratified. Dr. Laserna clarifies in this regard "this regulation is based on equity and the spirit of assistance and cooperation with which the CPA was created" "... we must be fair, equitable and respectful within Latin America, let us not forget that we as a Latin American bloc , we claim our place on an equal footing in the IFSCC ”.
Eng. Maria Teresa Alvarez reports the participation in the congress and expresses her concern about the lack of compliance in the delivery of the papers and comments that the organization of two large events such as COLAMIQC and the IFSCC “In Between Conference” complicates Things a lot since more people come and it becomes difficult to organize their daily activity schedules. On the other hand, it proposes that a regulation be established for the management of invited speakers, various courtesies and scholarships exempting the registration to the congress.
Dr. Lucio LASERNA takes over as the new Latin American coordinator of the IFSCC and dismisses Ing. Miguel Angel Marin, praising his performance and commitment to Latin America, who is given a plaque of remembrance from all Latin American societies. The new coordinator explains the guidelines of his work plan and the objectives to be achieved in the Latin American area. It proposes to increase communication between societies and intensify the relationship with the IFSCC, particularly with regard to sending speakers within the IFSCC Speaker Program so that Latin America always has speakers. Requests would be channeled through Dr. Maite San Miguel (SCHQC) Secretary of Public Relations of the IFSCC and the Latin American Coordinator of the IFSCC Dr. Lucio Laserna (AAQC). The latter commits the societies present to send a list of prestigious specialists from each country to be circulated among the societies of the region and registered in the Scientific Affairs Committee of the IFSCC as potential speakers of the Speaker Program.
It is agreed to support the request for the Latin American coordinator to have the right to vote in the IFSCC praesidium by means of a letter addressed to the president of the Federation, signed by all the presidents of the Latin American societies.
Societies are reminded of the obligation to attend and participate in the meetings of the CPA that are held each year, one in the year prior to the congress and the other during the COLAMIQC. A proposal for the creation of a scholarship and internship program for young professionals in cosmetically developed countries “Scholarship and Training Programm” (STP) is presented by Dr. Laserna. Which would allow young cosmetic chemists from countries like ours to specialize abroad. This detailed proposal will be submitted to the Scientific Affairs Committee for consideration and if there is agreement it would then be elevated to the IFSCC praesidium.
At the request of the APQC, the recognition of Dr. Bertha Pareja of recognized trajectory and pioneer of the teaching and dissemination of Cosmetic Sciences in Peru is requested. According to article 6 of the COLAMIQC regulations, it is approved unanimously to grant him an Honorary Member diploma, entrusting the presidency of the CPA with the preparation of the honor diploma.
It is then reported that the Lester Conrad Award for the best educational program presented by the societies of the International Federation has been awarded to the Argentine Association of Cosmetic Chemists. This important achievement is a source of pride for all of Latin America.
In 1998, the CPA meets on August 13 and 14, Santiago de Chile. The first meeting is very extensive due to the large number of topics to be discussed, beginning at 8.45am and ending at 8.15pm. The presidents of the Argentine societies, Dr. Cristina Cicconi, Brazil, Dr. Arthur Gradim, Chile Dr. Ljubica Zulic, Ecuador Dr. Susana Valdivieso (delegate), Uruguay Dr. Lidia Morus and IFSCC Latin American coordinator Dr. Lucio Laserna.
The constructive criticisms of the congress held in Mexico are discussed and it is pointed out that the comments have the sole objective of improving the organizational quality of our COLAMIQCs. Dr. Laserna highlights the importance of the CEP meetings and comments on the respect that the IFSCC has towards these meetings, which he observes with great expectation and expresses: "In order to give greater relevance to the CEP meetings we must professionalize our actions, communicate to the member societies the importance of attending them and as a consequence of this more professional action we will have a greater presence in the International Federation "
After reading the CPA and COLAMIQC regulations with their amendments and modifications, including two new articles to be voted on at the next meeting.
Those present propose that the meetings of the year preceding COLAMIQC take place on the dates on which the host society holds its annual scientific conferences. A contribution is requested from each society to finance the meetings of the CPA, agreeing on the modality and its administration. The societies present suggest carrying out an in-depth analysis of the potential of the Latin American area and its relationship and actual participation in the IFSCC. They then express the need to convene a meeting of the CPA with the Presidium of the IFSCC in May 1999 with an agenda to be confirmed, at which time the SCHQC will simultaneously organize the COLAMIQC and the In Between Conference of the IFSCC. The Latin American coordinator is then requested to manage this meeting with the IFSCC in May 1999, before the start of the event. The idea is to prepare a presentation that shows the importance of our institutions and the potential of Latin America, in which each society will be assigned a specific topic to develop.
Thus the ABC will compile statistical data from Latin America:
The AEQC will develop the history of the COLAMIQC.
The AAQC will take care of the Events, Speakers, Educational Plan in Latin America
The AUCC will address the issue of developing countries and the need for more support from the IFSCC
LA SCHQC will speak on the contribution of members of Latin American societies that to date have held various positions in the IFSCC: (Jose Joaquín Perez Villalba: Public Relations Secretary / Latin America Co-ordinator, Jaime Rubín: President Hamilton Dos Santos: Latin America Co-ordinator, Miguel Angel Marin: Latin America Co-ordinator, Maite San Miguel: Public Relations Secretary, Lucio Laserna: Latin America Co-ordinator).
Then they discuss other issues. Dr. Cicconi proposes the collaboration of each Society in the respective Ministries of Health in order to advise them on issues related to cosmetics. It also raises cooperation with Universities.
It is also suggested to increase communication between Latin American societies by timely informing about changes, activities, current cosmetic regulation standards and other information of interest.
There is information on the imminent formation of a Central American Society made up of Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica, which may be joined by other Central American countries.
Conclusions of this meeting:
1) The CPA constitutes an important meeting place for Latin American societies. There is latent the need to improve the organization to grow and exchange all kinds of contributions among Latin American societies.
2) A common and solid position is defined vis-à-vis the IFSCC to achieve greater participation.
3) We are in a globalized world, so the CPA constitutes an important meeting point between all countries, from the professional, technical, commercial and interpersonal relations point of view.
The meeting of the CPA on May 21, 1999 takes place in Santiago de Chile. The presidents of the companies of the following countries participate in it: Argentina (AAQC), Brazil (ABC), Colombia (ACCYTEC), Chile (SCHQC), Ecuador (AEQC), Guatemala (ACCQ), Mexico (SQCM), Uruguay (AUCC), Venezuela (SVCC) and the Latin American coordinator of the International Federation.
The actions of the CEP in the 1998 meetings are approved without observations.
The works presented to COLAMIQC are announced, including those that apply for the José Joaquín Pérez Award.
Due to the absence of a lecturer at the last minute, Dr. Ljubica Zulic raises the need that if for any reason a participant to the congress cannot present their scientific work, they must notify the scientific committee in advance, otherwise they must send a representative to replace him.
The delegates are agreed that the papers must first be presented to the societies of the respective country for their first approval before being submitted to the congress, thus allowing an optimal presentation. On the other hand, ABC proposes that the best work of COLAMIQC be published in a national magazine without limiting its presentation at international conferences.
The meeting agenda to be held with the IFSCC praesidium is then planned and discussed. To date, the federation has 13,000 members belonging to 36 societies.
The SCHQC expresses the little interaction between the IFSCC and Latin America, pointing out that the speakers sent were not of the expected quality. The AAQC shows that of the 36 international companies, 11 belong to Latin America, including the ACCQ, founded in 1998 in Guatemala. Dr. Laserna adds that the objective of the meeting of the CPA with the IFSCC praesidium is precisely to make known the advances, achievements and needs of Latin American societies.
On May 22 between the presidents of the Latin American Societies and the Coordinator the presentation is developed for the meeting that will be held with the IFSCC.
Objectives of Latin American societies in the International Federation (IFSCC):
Promote the creation of new Cosmetic Sciences Societies in Latin American countries
Promote the development of Science and Technology, through educational programs
Promote scientific research applied to cosmetics
Advise in the organization of scientific meetings, congresses, conferences, symposia
Provide support and advice in the activities developed by Latin American Societies in the IFSCC
Increase our active participation in the IFSCC
Publicize the joint work of Latin American Societies
Achieve more fluid cooperation in technical-scientific relations with the IFSCC
In the historical review of the COLAMIQ written for the occasion by Dr. Isabel de Luque president of the AEQC, she transcribes the prophetic words of Dr. José Joaquín Perez Villalba that at the close of those Cosmetics and Perfumery Conference held in Chile in November 1972 said:… "thus culminating a new stage of Latin American cosmetic union and brotherhood, at the initiative of Chile, hoping that it will spread in time and place to the entire hemisphere." At the end of her narration, Dr. Luque expresses, referring to the development of the COLAMIC: “Nothing indicates that it is a process that can be reversed, as long as we Latin Americans continue to find strength in union with our brothers. Many processes of another type, social, political, economic, will be able to learn a lot from this group of brilliant Latin Americans who with tenacity, will, order and humility have developed forms of scientific and technological collaboration that benefit our countries, cradle of the new generation of Latin Americanists. ”.
The meeting of the CPA and the Presidium moderated by Dr. Arthur Gradim president of the ABC in collaboration with Dr. Laserna Latin American Coordinator. The IFSCC president points out, in response to the need for greater recognition of Latin America raised by the full CPA, that it is also in a process of organizational change and that it intends to provide greater attention from member countries. For this they evoke the formation of a working group called vision 2000. However, the praesidium members present are not very enthusiastic in granting the right to vote to the Latin American Coordinator as they think that this would lead to an increase in the number of praesidium members, also estimating that perhaps there would be new coordinators from other regions of the world that would be added. An eventual increase in membership in the praesidium would not be desirable as efficiency in the governance of the Federation would be lost.
The presidents of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela insist on the importance for the Latin American Societies of being represented by the coordinator, no longer as a designated member but as a full member of the praesidium with the right to speak and vote. They also express their hope that this will take place in the near future. Dr. Zulic (SCHQC) concludes the meeting by underlining: “the importance of this meeting that allowed the PCA to strengthen communication between the Latin American Societies, as well as helping to strengthen ties between the praesidium and the societies belonging to Latin American countries. The arrival of the new millennium poses a reform in its organization within the IFSCC. "
However, the rejection of the request of Latin American societies to change the status of the Latin American coordinator to a full member with voice and vote within the praesidium leads to an awareness within the CPA that as an organization it needs to adapt to our regional needs through a change radical. It is when the consensus of the formation of a Latin American Federation begins to grow, without thereby separating itself from the IFSCC.
Only in this way could concrete responses be obtained to the needs of member societies such as education, research, exchange, professionalization. The meeting of October 6 and 7, 2000 in Buenos Aires would be decisive for the creation of the Latin American Federation. In the first place because of the great turnout and participation of the presidents of Latin American societies and secondly because of the efficiency of their interventions. The Latin American Coordinator used to acting within the International Federation proposes an agenda in order to lay the foundations of a Latin American Federation.
These meetings are attended by the presidents: Eng. Carlos Pasta (AAQC), Dr Rubens Brambilla (ABC), Dr. Diana Martinez Cifuentes (ACCYTC), Dr. Maria Ivon Abuawad (SCHQC), Dr. Soraya Coz (APQC) , Dr. Lidia Morus (AUCC), as guests: Dr. Silvia Perez Damonte (AAQC) and Dr. Lucio Laserna (IFSCC).
The presidency of the CPA (SCHQC) informs that to date there are 16 countries that integrate it, gathered in 11 Latin American societies. The scope of the CPA and its functionality, its updated regulations and the function of each managerial position are indicated. Once the discussion began, the delegates present exchanged opinions about the scope of the CPA, which currently deals with issues that exceed the objectives that these meetings once had. Therefore, it is considered necessary to carry out a re-formulation of the initial scope of the CPA. Which should be, in addition to a communication center of the member societies, a forum for discussion of topics such as legislation, cosmetics in the region, use of natural resources of Latin American origin of cosmetic interest, review of ingredients for cosmetic use, methods of evaluation of the safety and efficacy of cosmetics and all scientific and technological matters related to cosmetic products. And thus expand the objectives adapting them to the theme that had been formulated in the last meetings.
In order to give a more formal character to these meetings and taking into account the importance that they have in Latin American countries and that due to the recent restructuring of the IFSCC, the position of Latin American Coordinator will disappear in September 2001, the Delegates present decide that the CPA be reformulated in its scope and objectives and will be renamed hereinafter FEDERACION LATINOAMERICANA DE SOCIEDADES DE CIENCIAS COSMETICAS FE.LA.SCC committing to draw up the constitution of this federation to submit it to a vote at the next meeting scheduled for early September 2001.
Dr. Brambilla (ABC) comments: "the importance of these meetings for the growth of societies, suggesting to discuss in these forums issues of cosmetic legislation, relationship with national Public Health authorities, exchange technical issues and common difficulties in various countries region of." Eng. Carlos Pasta (AAQC) explains: ”in all countries there are differences between companies and business chambers. It is necessary to define the role of the societies so that they are the consulting entity of the Ministry of Health. I suggest the interconnection of the member societies of the FELASCC to be able to harmonize with technical support by presenting themselves to the respective ministries with solid arguments, endorsed by professionals specialized in the subject.
Dr. Laserna (AAQC) suggests “establishing that it is the cosmetic chemist societies that naturally should be the technical support of the Public Health authorities, of the industrial and commercial chambers since they are the ones that have the knowledge and the experience to provide it with suitability. "
After explaining the restructuring of the IFSCC praesidium, Dr. Laserna emphasizes that despite the fact that Latin America will have a representative among its members but that it will not be the Latin American Coordinator since that position will cease to exist in mid-September of next year. A shortlist of three candidates from the following companies ABC, SQCM and SCHQC is proposed, among which Dr. Maite San Miguel (SCHQC) is chosen, who will be informed of the decision of the FELASCC delegates. A special guest at the meeting is Dr Jaime Rubín, Co-founder of the CPA who makes a historical review “of the beginnings of the COLAMIQC and the spirit of solidarity and camaraderie that prevailed at the time the CPA was created”. He then submits for the consideration of those present the offer to create a prize called "Pearl of Rubin" in memory of his wife and personal assistant and that will accompany all the alternatives of the educational movement of Cosmetic Chemistry in Latin America, since the origins, when in 1972 in Chile proposed itself to Argentina as the organizer of the First Latin American Congress of Cosmetic Chemicals (1973). Culminating his hard and meritorious work, during the organization of the XIII IFSCC Congress in Buenos Aires in 1984. This award will aim to stimulate scientific work related to innovation in cosmetic products in Latin America. This award will be administered by FELASCC.
Months later, precisely on February 21, 2001, taking advantage of the attendance of several of the Latin American societies at the ICE exhibition in Miami, USA and at the request of the Latin American coordinator, the representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. Invited guests are Dr. Maite San Miguel IFSCC Congress and Conferences Coordinator and future representative of Latin America at IFSCC, nominated by FELASCC, and Dr. Lucio Laserna, current Latin American coordinator of IFSCC. The latter reports during the meeting, about a provisional board of directors of the FELASCC awaiting the drafting of the statutes:
President: Dra. Edda Costa Castro (SCHQC) Chile
1st Vice President: Eng. Carlos Pasta (AAQC) Argentina
2nd Vice President: Dr. Diana Martinez (ACCYTC) Colombia
Secretary: Dra. Maria Ivon Abuawad (SCHQC) Chile
Treasurer: to be appointed SCHQC) Chile
Pro-Treasurer: Mr. Edgardo Guolo (AAQC) Argentina
The delegates present reiterate their commitment to draft the FELASCC statutes based on the guidelines proposed by Dr. Laserna. The delegates agree to prepare drafts of the drafting of the bylaws and after submitting them to the consideration of the respective companies to make the corresponding corrections and thus arrive at the final text which will be voted on in September 2001. In its last report to the IFSCC, the Dr. Laserna informs the International Federation of the imminent constitution of the FELASCC.
It is in this way that on September 8, 2001, after deliberating, the presidents of the companies of Argentina, Brazil, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela vote the first statute of the FELASCC, being formally constituted .
The first board of directors is composed as follows:
President: Ing. Carlos Pasta (AAQC) Argentina
1st Vice President: Dr. Myriam Moya Suta (ACCYTC) Colombia
2nd Vice President: Dr. Soraya Coz Seguil (SPQC) Peru
1st Secretary: Dr. Carlos Trevisan (ABC) Brazil
Secretary 2: Dra. Alina Ratto (APQC) Peru
Treasurer: Dra. Silvia Perez Damonte (AAQC) Argentina
Pro-Treasurer: Dr. Antonio Gonzalo Cardozo Olmos (ACCYTC) Colombia.